I’m regularly taking online painting courses and classes; there is never a time when you don’t learn something new or can get some wonderful inspiration from someone. This leaf was the product of the first lesson taught by Heidi Willis in her Udemy class “Paint Realistic Watercolor and Botanicals – Chasing Autumn“.
Heidi currently has two classes on Udemy – the one I mentioned above – and the second being a foundational course designed to lead beginners more easily into the other classes.
I admire many of Heidi’s artistic works. She has a unique style that isn’t quite photo-realism, but nor is it as artistic as commonplace in watercolor paintings; it’s somewhere between that leaves you fully captivated. If I had known that she lived not far from my hometown in Australia, I would have made efforts to visit her and (fingers-crossed) take a personal class. Alas, next time I travel to visit family…
Heidi is also a fast painter. I am regularly frustrated how slow I seem to paint compared to many of my inspirations. I am significantly slower. Of course they probably have had years of experience painting upon me, thus the speed is through habit and practice. They may also have more time set aside to paint than I do, which could explain the faster productions.
This is the first painting lesson in her series – so not something that can be put under a portfolio since it’s not uniquely my work. But it is still something I wanted to share as I thought the class was quite beneficial – another painting style to learn and practice – and I quite liked the resulting first project.